Leitrim Fancy (Jig)
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Page on The Session
All Jigs in the key of :
Bouchards {}
Brian O Lynn {}
Campbell River Jig {}
Cherish the Ladies {}
Condons Frolics {}
Cordal Jig {}
Creel of Turf {}
Dancing Eyes {}
Forest Wedding {}
Frog in the Well {}
Frost is all over {}
Garry Owens (Gary Owens) {}
Girl From the Big House {}
Good Humored and Fairly Tipsy {}
Hardimans Fancy / Joe Derrane's {}
Haunted House {}
Helvic Head {}
Hungry Rock {}
Jerry Beavers Hat {}
Jump at the Sun {}
Leitrim Fancy {}
Luck Penny {}
MacIntyres Fancy {}
Monahan, The Jig {}
Mouse in the Kitchen {}
Naomi's Jig (?) {}
Paddys Leather Breeches {}
Petticoat Loose {}
Scarce o Tatties {}
Shores of Loch Gowan {}
Sliabh Russel {}
Sporting Pitchfork {}
Spotted Dog {}
Strayaway Child {}
Strop the Razor {}
Tatter Jack Walsh {}
Tell Her I Am (Humours of Ballymore) {}
Tony Rowes {}
Up and About in the Morning {}
Visit to Ireland, A {}
Wedding, The - Jig {}
Will You Come Home With Me {}
Yellow John {}
Followed By Suggestions
When Sick Is It Tea That You Want (Jig) [4x]
Preceded By Suggestions
Swallowtail, The (Jig) [7x]
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